Asked Questions
1. Who can open an
Ans Any individual, Hindu undivided family
firm, or a company can open an account with
Mesh Stock Broker Pvt. Ltd.
4. What are the
different types of orders that can be placed on Mesh Stock Broker Pvt. Ltd.?
Ans a) Trade orders- When you sell shares
marking delivery
it is
treated as a sqaure off order and shall be squared
off at 3.10 p.m automatically.
b) Delivery Mark orders- The system will check your demat stock availability and the transaction will go
through only if
the stock is available in your Demat account.
c) Stop Loss Order-Stop loss order-An order placed, which gets activated only when the market price of
the relevant
scrip reaches or crosses a threshold price, which is called trigger price. Until then the order does not
enter the
market but sits with the Exchange.
All the BSE market orders shall be placed at +/- 5% for buy/sell respectively. This is to ascertain the
execution of
market orders.
5. What is the
procedure for placing Stop Loss Orders?
Ans Stop Loss order can be placed while placing
fresh order as
well as a
square off order.
Basics of Stop Loss Order:-
Buy: Market Price < Trigger price < Order Price. (Trigger price entered should be greater than the
market price)
Sell: Market Price> Trigger price > Order Price. (Trigger price entered should be lesser than the
market price)
6. What does
order history option show me?
Ans After confirmation of the order, the system
generate a
You can view the status of all the orders placed through the link of Trade -- Order History. Here you
can modify or
cancel the order.
In Trade history, you can view all the details of the orders placed.
7. What is an AM
Ans AM order stands for After Market Order. It
is a
extends to its customers whereby they can
place orders even after the trading hours of a particular day.
8. What is the
advantage of an AM order?
Ans An AM order has the following advantages:
a) It allows the customer to place an order even after the regular trading hours ( 9.55 a.m. to 3.30
p.m. ) during which
time he /she might have been busy.
b) Based on the fluctuations in the Market on a particular day and taking into account factors such as
the closing price
of a particular scrip, recommendations on scrips given by Mesh Stock Broker Pvt. Ltd., the customer
might want to place
an order using AM order which would be executed when the market opens the next day.
9. How can I
place an AM order?
Ans Now customers can place After Market orders
after the trading
hours of a
The process is simple and AM order can be placed by the customer himself by logging into his Kantilal
Chhaganlal trading
account and choosing AM order.
Only limits orders will be accepted for BSE AM orders.
10. Can I fix any
price on scrip that I want to place an AM order on?
Ans For particular scrip, An AM order can be
with a price
band of +/-20%
of the closing price at the end of the day.
Any AM order for scrip that is beyond this price band would not be executed.
For example:If the closing
price of a scrip
X on Monday is 100 Rs., the customer can place an AM order within the price band of Rs.80 to Rs.120.
12. What documents
would I receive once the account is opened?
Ans You will receive a welcome kit containing
a. A welcome letter containing details of your account with us
b. A sealed PIN, which has to be used one time for account activation.
You will also receive the initial password on your email id registered with us.
13. Will I receive
a contract note for my transactions?
Ans Yes, you will receive a digitally signed
contract note on
email id
registered with us. Please note that digitally
signed contract notes are valid documents under the Information Technology Act 2000 and the same are
also available
17. How do I
transfer funds from my Bank A/c to my Trading A/c?
Ans You can transfer funds to your trading
account by
the steps mentioned below:
Log onto
Once inside the trading section, Click on Funds Transfer -- Pay in.
Choose your Bank name, exchange and the amount to be transferred Click on Submit.
You will be taken your Bank’s payment gateway.
From here on, the bank’s screen would guide you further.
18. How do I
transfer funds from my trading account to my bank account?
Ans You can transfer funds from your trading
account to your
Bank account by following the following steps:
Log onto
Once inside the trading section, Click on Funds Transfer
Click on Pay out and fill the required details and Submit.
Your request will be processed as per the norms subject to availability of sufficient funds in your
account. After
processing, the available amount will be credited to your bank account registered with us on the next
working day.